
오랜만에 영어로?

True Worship 2018. 12. 6. 16:22


for the first time in a long time 이 표현을 사용해도 될까? 숙어같은 표현임

for the first time in days, weeks, months, years

몇일만에, 몇주만에, 몇달만에, 

I hung out with my friends for the first time in a long time. (o)

I want to hang out with my friends for the first time in a long time.

몇달만에 친구랑 놀고싶다... 이상한 느낌이다

It's raining cats and dogs.

이 표현도 마찬가지로 

I really want to go to the movies, I haven't done that in such a long time.

(핵심)  먼저 무언가를 하고 싶다는 이야기를 하고,   오랫동안 ~를 하지 않았다는 얘기를 해주면 된다.

"우리 오랜만에 피자나 시킬까?"

"Hey, do you want to order a pizza? We haven't done that in a while."

in a while을 더 많이 씀

왜냐하면 in a long time. 은 더 한참 긴 시간을 나타내기 때문이다. 

in a while은 좀 더 짧은 스케일의 느낌

I really want to go to the movies, I haven't done that in a while.

I am hanging out with my friends this weekend. I haven't seen them in a while./in such a long time.

Hey, do you want to go to that Chinese place? We haven't been there in a while.

~한지 오래되었다.

It has been (such) a long time since I went to see a movie.

It has been (such) a long time since I saw with my friends.

It has been a while since I hung out with my friends.
